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Monday, April 14, 2008

A Summary of Technologies

The film industry is centered around technology. Initially the film industry revolved around making movies, which in their first form were black and white, and silent. Traditional careers centered around the making of the film, with actors and Directors, cameramen and lighting technicians onset and costumers and set designers involved earlier. Post-production people completed the process prior to distribution to the movie theatres. Advertisements were sold as part of the movie preview package.

The invention of new technology such as sound, and colour film allowed the industry to create more and better films. This expanded the movie industry and developed a bigger market for it so more film companies could enter the expanded market. Further improvements in film itself such as a move towards animation beginning in the 1930s led to a further expansion of the film market particularly targeting children. That further added a career for people in voice-over work. It also created opportunity for graphic artists and a separate group of individuals specializing in the art of animation. More opportunities existed in the larger overall market.

Later technological advancements such as VHS tapes and, from that, DVDs, have changed the way the movie industry is forced to do business. Similarly with the advent of the Internet.

These new technologies have expanded the “movie” industry to include a host of retailers now considered a part of the business – distributors such as Blockbuster and Rogers, pay-per-view specialty channels, DVD vending machines, DVD mail clubs, etc.

They have also pushed the motion picture industry to consider other options, such as IMAX theatre and 3-D film that encourage the consumers’ return to the theatre.

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